How to Create a Django Project Using Python: A Beginner's Guide - Coding Center

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Thursday, December 5, 2024

How to Create a Django Project Using Python: A Beginner's Guide

Python powers 98% of Instagram's technology stack and handles billions of user interactions daily.

Many developers find it challenging to take their first steps in Python web development. Moving from simple Python scripts to building full-fledged web applications can feel overwhelming, especially with frameworks like Django.

This beginner-friendly guide emerged from these common challenges. Python programming becomes exciting once you create something useful, and Django makes this possible.

The tutorial will guide you through creating your first Django project step by step. You'll learn everything from development environment setup to launching your first web application. This comprehensive approach suits both Python newcomers and those expanding their programming skills.

Ready to build something amazing with Python? Let's get started!

Setting Up Your Development Environment

You need the right tools and configurations to start building web applications with Django. Let's take a closer look at setting up our development environment.

Installing Python and pip

Your system needs Python to run Django. Python 3.9 or later works best with Django [1]. You can check your Python installation by running:

python --version

The website offers Python downloads if you haven't installed it yet. Python installations typically include pip (Python's package manager) [2]. Run this command to verify pip installation:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Creating a Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is vital for Python development because it creates isolated spaces for different projects [3]. The built-in venv module helps create one:

  1. Create a new project directory

  2. Navigate to the directory

  3. Create virtual environment: python -m venv myenv

  4. Activate the environment:

    • Windows: myenv\Scripts\activate

    • Linux/MacOS: source myenv/bin/activate

Installing Django Framework

Django installation becomes simple once you activate your virtual environment. The process uses pip [3]:

pip install django

Verify the installation with:

python -m django --version

This configuration gives you a clean, isolated environment. You can now build your Django project without package conflicts or version mismatches.

Creating Your First Django Project

The development environment is ready, and we can now start building our first Django project. Let's tuck into the practical implementation of Python web development with Django.

Using django-admin startproject Command

Django's command-line utility helps create our project structure. With our virtual environment activated, we run:

django-admin startproject mysite

This command sets up a new Django project called mysite and creates a collection of settings for our Django instance [4].

Understanding Project Directory Structure

The command generates this structure [4]:

  1. - Command-line utility for project interaction

  2. mysite/ - The actual Python package directory containing:

    • - Identifies the directory as a Python package

    • - Project configuration settings

    • - URL declarations ("table of contents")

    • - Entry-point for ASGI-compatible servers

    • - Entry-point for WSGI-compatible servers

Configuring Project Settings

The file contains vital configurations that define our Django project's functionality. Database configurations, middleware lists, and installed apps are found in this file [5]. Project needs determine how we modify these settings.

Multiple settings files can be switched between environments (development, production) using the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable or the --settings command-line option [6].

Note that sensitive information like SECRET_KEY and database passwords should stay out of the settings file [7]. Secure configuration management will be covered in later sections.

Configuring Essential Project Components

Python web development requires proper configuration of Django project components to build a resilient web application. Let's explore the setup of these significant elements.

Database Setup and Configuration

The database configuration begins in our file. Django provides SQLite by default, but PostgreSQL or MySQL work better for high traffic handling [7]. PostgreSQL configuration looks like this:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'database',
        'USER': 'user',
        'PASSWORD': 'password',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '5432',

URL Configuration Basics

URL configuration serves as our web application's table of contents. We define URL patterns that map to specific views in [8]. The configuration has:

  • Root URL patterns for the main project

  • Individual app URLs using the include() function

  • Named URL patterns for easy referencing

Static and Media Files Setup

The project needs configuration for both static files (CSS, JavaScript, images) and media files (user uploads) [9]. Static files require these settings:

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
    BASE_DIR / 'static',

 Media files need separate configuration [9]:

  • MEDIA_URL: The URL where users can access media files

  • MEDIA_ROOT: The absolute path for storing uploaded files

Note that Django's development server handles static files automatically with DEBUG=True [10]. Production environments need a proper web server or Django's collectstatic command to gather all static files in one location.

Running and Testing Your Django Project

Now that we have set up our project components, let's bring our Python web application to life by exploring how to run and test our Django project.

Starting the Development Server

Django's built-in lightweight web server helps us get started quickly. Direct to your project directory and run:

python runserver

The server starts at by default [4]. A "Congratulations!" page with a rocket taking off will appear and confirm our successful setup [4]. Your development process becomes smoother as the server reloads automatically with code changes.

Performing Initial Migrations

Our application needs database migrations to become fully functional. Django's migrations help propagate our model changes into the database schema. Run this command:

python migrate

This creates a default SQLite database in db.sqlite3 that works well during development [1]. Different databases can be configured when moving to production environments.

Basic Project Testing

Testing proves our application works as expected. Django offers a reliable testing framework you can employ. Here are the main test types you can write:

  • Unit Tests: Test isolated functions and components

  • Integration Tests: Test multiple components together

  • Form Tests: Validate form functionality

  • View Tests: Test HTTP responses

Run your tests with:

python test

The test runner creates a separate test database [11] that keeps your development and production databases safe. You can run specific test cases by providing the test path: python test myapp.tests.TestCase [12].

Django's TestCase class creates a clean database for each test method [12]. This gives you isolated and reliable tests with better coverage.

Note that the development server should never run in a production environment [4]. It serves only development and debugging needs.


Django makes Python web development available and powerful by giving developers tools to build strong web applications. This piece walks you through vital steps from setting up your development environment to running your first Django project.

A proper environment setup will give a solid base for your web development experience. Your applications will scale better when you understand the project structure and core configurations. Good database management and consistent testing keep applications reliable and fast.

Django's extensive documentation and active community support will help you handle complex features as you progress. You'll build impressive web applications with Python and Django when you experiment with different components and follow best practices.


[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
[6] -
[7] -
[8] -
[9] -
[10] -
[11] -
[12] -

How to Create a Django Project Using Python: A Beginner's Guide Reviewed by Zidane on December 05, 2024 Rating: 5 Python powers 98% of Instagram's technology stack and handles billions of user interactions daily. Many developers find it challenging t...

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